Child Development Center Angel Tree Gifting Tradition Goes Virtual
It was a very merry holiday season for the kids at the Child Development Center (CDC).
The CDC is open to the children of SBVC students, as well as members of the community, and provides child development experiences for infants and kids 5 and under. More than a decade ago, the CDC and Nursing program teamed up to create the Angel Tree, a way for the center’s kids to get gifts during the holidays.
To participate, donors dropped off unwrapped gifts worth $10. Mark Merjil, director of Child Development Programs, said that because of the pandemic, this year “the majority of donated gifts for the children of the Child Development Center were donated by Design West Engineering, a local business. There were also some donations from individuals, faculty, and staff.”
The Angel Tree is a tradition that has “been years in the making,” Merjil said, and it was important to ensure it “continued safely” in 2020.