The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t slowed down San Bernardino Valley College’s faculty librarians. Since campus closed in March, the library has remained open two days a week for students to use the computer lab and check out Chromebooks. The librarians are working from home, with students emailing or leaving voicemail messages describing their research needs. When they are ready to help the students, librarians set up Zoom or phone appointments, in order to provide one-on-one assistance.
“SBVC Library staff have worked very hard to maintain library services for students, staff, and faculty while the campus has been closed,” librarian Maria Notarangelo said. It was a challenge transitioning all library reference services to online, with the librarians needing to figure out how to use Zoom to communicate with students while also letting the campus community know that they were still available to provide assistance throughout the week. The librarians meet daily on Zoom, and the entire Library staff gathers virtually once a week.
As a result, the SBVC Library has made several resources available to faculty to ensure student success as campus continues to transition to online platforms. For students, many library services are still available online, including counseling, tutoring, and reference desk services. The library website has been updated recently and allows students and faculty full access to databases, ebooks and resources. One updated subscription includes a film database where faculty members can easily embed recorded learning sessions or PDF quick guides into Canvas. In a webinar, librarian Patti Wall discussed the importance of library orientations, how they can be embedded in faculty courses and how library usage increases student success. Orientation is available online, as well as training, guides and best practices for using databases.
The Library plans to record its own tutorials and guides to explain the various processes of accessing and using the numerous databases and resources available to campus. Students have easy access to resources and guides that will help them to format research papers correctly, including citations.
“Librarians have to work closely to coordinate library services, so we’ve continued that model from home via Zoom and email,” Notarangelo said. “I feel like we’re just as in touch with each other as we were before working at home.”
Notarangelo has an office at home that is “a little messy, but it’s private and comfortable,” she said. “I have a Mac computer with a huge screen that I bought four years ago when I started grad school, and I have a PC laptop as well, which is faster and works better on Zoom.”
So much of her life is different now, and Notarangelo misses seeing her colleagues, working one-on-one with students in person, taking walks around campus with her best friend, and the Sun Room. There is one thing, though, that has remained the same.
“I used to see my husband, Joe, on campus — he teaches English — but now I see him at home, so that hasn’t changed,” Notarangelo said.
Nonetheless, she is excited for campus to utilize the updated library services. Students are encouraged to use the resources available through online databases and ebooks when possible, though the library is open two days per week if physical books are needed.
The Library is open on Tuesdays and Wednesday from 10am-7pm. Online Library services are available Monday-Thursday from 7:30am-8 pm, Friday from 7:30am-5 pm, and Saturday 10am-2 pm. The Library team has also recreated reference desk services digitally as well, where students and staff are encouraged to email the librarians at or leave a voicemail at (909) 384–8289