San Bernardino Valley College participated in California’s fifth annual Undocumented Student Action Week in an effort to cultivate and empower change among students. This year’s theme, “Change in Action” aimed to empower campus members to engage in state, federal and local action to support undocumented students in their goal of earning a college education. “Our primary job as the community’s college is to open doors of opportunity for all students, regardless of immigration status,” said SBCCD Chancellor Diana Z. Rodriguez. “To our Dreamers and undocumented students: we will continue standing up with you and preparing you with the tools, knowledge, and skills to help you build a bright future for yourself, your family, and our community.” The week’s activities kicked off with the 20 Year Anniversary Conference of AB540, a law that authorizes any student, including undocumented students who meet specific criteria, to pay in-state college tuition. Various webinars and workshops also took place, including how undocumented students can work as independent contractors without a work permit, or how to obtain various scholarships that don’t require citizenship. During the event “Sharing Our Stories,” campus hosted a virtual discussion with Julissa Arce, best-selling author of “My (Underground) American Dream” and “Someone Like Me.” The SBVC Dreamer’s Resource Center also organized “My Status Doesn’t Define Me,” a march around campus to show support for its DACA and undocumented students. The annual week of activities, spearheaded by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, has led to funding for Dream Resource Centers and Liaisons, the establishment of an Immigration Legal Services Project, the expansion of AB 540 eligibility and the protection of DACA. The Chancellor’s Office also hosted a daily system webinar during the action week on critical policy frameworks and tools designed to support institutions with successful implementation of recent undocumented student policy reforms. These webinars included topics such as a review of statewide policies, data collection and use, and innovative use of funds.